Problem with my joysticks
  • Hello, first time poster here. I recently built a table for my RaspberryPi with PiPlay and i am having problems configuring my joysticks, whenever i try to input a direction it has an input for both the in and out . So i cannot program the joystick because it clicks 2 to 3 times
  • What type of joysticks are you using?

    these are the joysticks im using

    this is the complete set i purchased from amazon

    they work fine navigating the menu i am just unable to get them to work in game

    on a side bar, i installed retropie and got one side of the joypad to work, its like the interface isn't doing its job, reading that there is a player 1 and a player 2 side. i double and triple checked my wiring and everything is were it should be. retropie is nice but the ultimate goal is to run pi play, just wondering if i am going to encounter the same problem.

    any ideas?
  • sorry, I'm confused about what you are saying that your problem is. Are you saying that it's not recognizing player 2 in your games?
  • Yes, as of right now i can get the p2 buttons to work but it will not recognize p2 as a joystick.

    when i start up a game i can select the 2p mode and when the game would start p1 can move and attack where as p2 wouldnt be able to move but his attacks would work.
  • ok. From the pictures, it looks like a xin-mo encoder card (or a derivative there of).
    check it out this thread:
  • Ok, so i got joystick 1 working smoothly now the problem seems to be that i cannot get the second joystick to work to play with 2 players.
  • has anyone had the same problem? anyone have a solution?
  • If it's a xinmo, take a look at raspicade. It supports xinmo natively. Emulators have been patched and configured for this devices.
  • Ok guys, I am running Piplay .08 Beta 9 and we have controller issues. We are using XinXmo controllers and we just can't seem to get the darn systems to work with those controllers. I have downloaded custom_kernel_1.20150407-1.tar.gz and followed the advice about extracted and installing and compiling. I am still having issues. I have also modified the snes9x.conf file to XinMoEnabled=1.Still no luck. Please help, as my Son and I have been working on this now for a week and he is quite discouraged and is only 12. Appreciate it.
  • I think that the version of pisnes that got packed into the latest version of piplay was the old version that didn't have xin-mo support. grab this build. Unzip the file and copy/replace the snes9x file to /home/pi/pimame/emulators/pisnes. That should get it working for you.
  • Mholgatem, I copied the files across using WINSCP and now when we try to launch the application, it comes up and says permission denied.
    I have modified the files to match the original permission sets.
    snes9x.gui is set to 0777
    snes9x.cfg is set to 0777
    snes9x is set to 0644
    readme_snes9x.txt is set to 0644
    readmet.txt is set to 0644 is set to 0755
    skins directory is set to 0777
    roms directory is set to 0777

    any idea's
    do I need to run the once copied over?
    please update me on the steps needed after copying over the files.

  • MHolgatem, I was able to get is working. Thank you so much. You made a 12 year very happy. Now I get to get some rest.
  • Glad you got it working! Gotta keep the kids happy :D

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