pimame menu will not launch on boot
  • I'm having a hell of a time getting this thing working. I modified the /boot/config.txt to get my VGA monitor to work by uncommenting the lines:

    Now since doing that, VGA screen works but piplay does not load.
    Below is the error:

    alsactl: load_state:1647: Cannot open /home/pi/pimame/config/piplay-sound.state for reading: No such file or directory
    Found hardware: "BRCM bcm2835" "Broadcom Mixer" "" "" ""
    Hardware is initialized using a generic method
    cant load image: themes/default
    cant load image: themes/default
    cant load image: themes/default
    cant load image: themes/default

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "launchmenu.py", line 68, in
    File "launchmenu.py", line 15, in main
    cfg = PMCfg()
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/pmmenu/pmconfig.py", line 33, in __init__
    self.screen = self.init_screen(self.options.resolution, self.options.fullscreen)
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/pmmenu/pmconfig.py", line 112, in init_screen
    NameError: global name 'sys' is not defined

    On another note, I have had issues with Mame4All installing, VGA issues and now this.
    Should I be reporting these as bugs somewhere or are these known issues being bundled into the next release?

    I am using 0.8beta7
  • looks like it is failing this check in pmconfig.py


    anyone know what this check is for???
  • @visy - yes, that check basically says: if pygame can initialize the screen: then goes on to return the screen object. It's related to your vga problems.

    All of the other gobbledy-gook that came before the Traceback (most recent call last): are just warnings, you can ignore that. If you can avoid using vga, I really recommend it. If you can't, you should set hdmi_group = 2, and hdmi_mode to a resolution that your monitor can handle.

    are you using an active or passive hdmi to vga converter (active will have it's own power cord)?
  • No power cord so it's passive.
    does it make a difference?
  • I've heard that you can possibly burn out a diode on your pi if it draws too much power (I've never done it myself, but I've only ever tested with an active converter).

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