Beta 7 is up
  • I noticed there was no formal announcement and no link to the download

    Notes from Shea's Blog:

    Bug fixes for the controller setup.
    Popup window on first startup with hints.
    A little bit of speed improvements.
    Background sounds.
    Speed improvements, uses less RAM and CPU.

    When I switched to it, I noticed a lot of SNES games stopped stuttering as mentioned by Shea. Great job guys!
  • @racoonfrenzy - the changelog popup wont work yet (we need to modify the update script to write a flag file, easy fix though).

    But I'm glad to hear that the snes games are working better for you. we have been working hard to implement a ton of resource optimizations.

    Shea just merged my changes last night, so I haven't had a chance to test the official release yet, but contoller config should support 2 player setup now. also, the NES controller config should now work with joysticks as well.

    Background music is now supported for themes. I suggest using uncompressed .wav file format. If you used a compressed file format (like ogg, because mp3 is not natively supported), it will use a lot more cpu power, as it streams the music rather than loading it into memory. (on that note, I added background music to my piworld theme)

    gunicorn web server is pretty awesome. it's super low for resource usage.
  • Hi@all,

    btw, the exit emulator nes button on beta 7 doesnt work for me. Anyone else problems on that ?

    Can you fix that please
  • @pupsihh - I imagine you are using a joystick or other non-keyboard device? For some reason, when they wrote the emulator, they made it so that certain hotkeys only work with keyboard. I've been searching for source code, so that I can change it. unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a whole lot around.
  • Im having issues with an i-pac on the snes emulator. Player 2 configuration isn't taking after the controller configuration setup. I remember something about having to run the emulator first before configuring, or am I way off? I have to wait until I get home to give it another shot.
  • @racoonfrenzy - that was just fceux, the nes emulator. I've had someone else just email me saying that they are having trouble with it too. I'm wondering if my 2 player version didn't get merged. try this:
    download my PiSNES Repo
    Inside is a folder called 'build' with a file.
    Extract the contents of the folder inside to '/home/pi/pimame/emulators/pisnes' (mainly you just need to copy snes9x and snes9x.cfg)
  • Ill give it a shot and report back :)
  • hrmm, your 2 player pisnes should have been merged in. I'll double check on that one.
  • Your instructions worked perfectly @mholgatem. SNES 2nd player worked immediately. Thanks as always.
  • @SSilver2k2- That's so weird, because I remember you merging it before beta 6 went out.
  • Yep works now with @mholgatem fix
  • thanks :) best one yet! now its working superb =)
  • Looking forward to trying the updated version! As to the near future, any hope of getting to configure the mame4all controls in a plain text document instead of via the tab menu?
  • Awesome update menu running smoother and the 2nd player option comes up for each controller to edit

    My main issue now is the cheap ipac I'm using doesn't have a good debounce so as soon as I hit a direction with the joystick its still mapping 2-4 controls at once which sucks. Building my little bartop as a test to then make 2 more for family Xmas prezis so they are going to love you guys! So thanks again for all the work ^_^
  • @Pongo1471 - I added a debounce time to the controller config. It should be available in the next update. Thanks for your input!
  • Perfect just waiting for it now thanks mholgatem :D

    Iv now built 1 for myself and 2 as Xmas prezis just sorting the details on them now

    Also had the debounce issue with 2 usb snes controllers from amazon but they where manageable with just a faster button press

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