Beta 5 Issues
  • 2 issues i see so far.
    Nes controller config doesnt work at all. No keyboard or joystick. Cant even get out of nes.

    Mame4all controller config not working either, but default does work, just no coin, start or exit working. Rom folder still point too wrong folder as well.

    SEGA plays orginal reolution, where would I add the 2xscaler command.
  • Both of those issues have already been fixed and should be in the next release pending Shea's approval.
    to add the 2xscaler command. You may want to give this a try instead of the 2xscaler though. I was able to achieve a slightly higher framerate using these settings.

    # Run fullscreen?
    bool_fullscreen = no

    # If you want to increase the size of the window, increase this value.
    # It currently must be a whole number.
    int_info_height = -1
    int_width = -1
    int_height = -1
    int_scale = -1
    int_scale_x = -1
    int_scale_y = -1
    int_depth = 0
    bool_swab = false
    bool_opengl = true
    bool_opengl_aspect = true
    bool_opengl_linear = true
    bool_opengl_32bit = true
    bool_opengl_swap = false
    bool_opengl_square = false
    bool_doublebuffer = true
    bool_screen_thread = false

    # Use a joystick?
    bool_joystick = yes

    # Use OpenGL mode?
    bool_opengl = no
    # Set these to the resolution you want to run OpenGL mode in.
    int_opengl_width = -1
    int_opengl_height = -1
  • My issues are that I can't get FBA or Mame4All to use the custom control config files. And several of the roms that work perfectly in 8.03 crash back to the main menu. Also I get a huge black border aroud the main menu.
  • This should be added...

    edit ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/mame.cfg and change the "rompath" target to /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all

    Original post:
  • Good thinking. I'll add it to the todo list @Pristopher!
  • Hi:

    There is a problem (known problem) that I think it should be solved, and it's about old retro-joystics.

    Driver for the Retro-Bit Atari, Nintendo NES, SNES & Sega Genesis joystick controller adapters.

    This is a USB to dual-DB9, NES/SNES or Genesis header controller that allows the use of actual compatible joysticks in emulators.

    I have one of these and the up and left axis don't work. After spending hours and reading forums, I think you should add this to the next release of piplay. The solution is:

    I don't know whether you are using an official image of raspbian or compiling the kernel yourself. In any case, the usbhid module, responsible for this (check is the problem (well, the problem is actually the adapter, but with a patch it can be fixed).

    So, it is necessary to provide a kernel image with the module patched. The steps for this are:

    1) configure all the stuff related to HID as Module (make menuconfig), as in the image you are using for the piplay is integrated in the kernel
    2) apply this patch to the file drivers/hid/hid-input.c (in the kernel sources)

    3) compile the kernel and modules

    4) Edit the /boot/cmdline.txt file and add usbhid.quirks=0x1292:0x4154:0x040 to the end of the line of text

    Use that image for the piplay version.

    The module now will recognized all the movements for the joystick :D
  • Ive noticed the labels for the different emulators that were added since 0.8.3 til now in 0.8.5 have a different font size when displayed in the main menu where the newly added emus have a larger font size than the original ones. Any idea what could be causing that?
  • @luisusmc - In the newest version, there is a new theme setting that allows us to set a max width for labels. If it is bigger than the designated width, then it will resize the label. That is probably what you are seeing. If the size difference bothers you, you can either set all of the font smaller by changing ' label_font_size:' or you can just set ' label_max_text_width: None' and it won't resize anything
  • this round of the image is super large because it is the exact image that is being written to the SD cards for the backers.
  • I believe it's just a matter of convenience for Shea right now. You could always just grab a previous smaller version, then use the updater utility. Don't worry, after he gets all of this kickstarter stuff out of the way, I'm sure he'll be back to packing them in the smaller size.

    Also, that's a good idea to list the version. Not sure why it never occured to me. I think that I may add it to the upper left hand corner of the popup menu. Right now, the only way to see the version is to navigate to /home/pi/pimame/ and there is a file called 'version' then you can also check to see the latest updated version
  • I believe that 8.7 is actually 8 beta 5, I think that there were a few small changes that were added that didn't really warrant a new official number. I could be wrong though. Shea takes care of all of the versioning
  • The versioning is just my own internal coding scheme. I should have started at 1, but i decided to start at 8.1. Everytime I do an update I up the version number. Sometimes I push an update and find a bug but haven't released the new sd card image, so i just up the version again.

    No one is really supposed to see it.

    Now that the Kickstarter is over, I'll be working on the size of the SD Cards. It didn't make sense to have a bunch of different sized SD Card images uploaded everywhere.
  • How do you get the nes emulator fixed. It does not recognize input from my controller . And keyboard only works with what seem like system commnands for emulator. I have tried the controller setup in piplay menu. Thanks ahead of time.
  • Same story here...
  • Installed 0.8b5 and the config for FBA still doesnt work, I copied the fba config file to the fba directory on the pi and in config.yaml it points to

    command: /home/pi/pimame/emulators/fba/fba2x --config=/home/pi/pimame/arcade.cfg

    but arcade.cfg doesnt exist in home/pi/pimame. I tried pointing it at the fba2x.cfg but that didnt work either, is there a way to fix this ?
  • Also Controller Setup doesnt appear in the menu either. This is a clean install of 0.8b5 as after I upgraded from 0.8b4 FBA didnt work, kept getting Segmentation errors when I ran games
  • @jas
    The controller config is now in the tab menu ;)
  • @Conno123009 Cheers, I set up both Neo Geo and Arcade through the config but FBA still didnt work, I'm going to go back to 0.8b3. That was the last one I had FBA working in.
  • Good catch! Yeah, something has to be done...
    The update script really needs to check if vice is installed or not....

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