Overclocking issues
  • @SSilver2k2

    When I exit piplay and rudo sudo raspi-config, the overclocking does not seem to work. I have set the overcloking to high and the games still seem to run sluggish. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
  • are you running piplay in X or from command line? Also, in raspi-config, did you expand your filesystem and split your ram (I recommend at least 64 mb to gpu, I personally use 128 mb). Last thing, are your roms stored on a fast enough card? one thing that can greatly speed up the read write of your card is to use the SDformatter program by trendy, set the format option to 'full (erase)' I did that a little while ago when I was staring down a 6 hour file transfer. After the full (erase) format, it became a 30 minute transfer (plus another 20 minutes or so for the format).
  • @mholgatem - I see he doubled posted maybe you can combine the threads or delete the other. I add the script here. I found it handy and maybe others will too.

    That's a great question by default how much does PiPlay allocate to the GPU? You find the best performance balance at 128MB? Is there any other things to take into consideration if it's primary focus is for PiPlay gaming?
  • Here's a script I use through putty to monitor the speed converted to MHz and the temperature of both the CPU and GPU converted to Celcius while playing a game. I setup an alias so it was easy to do quick up arrows several times to monitor it. I am sure someone with better skills could modify it to run at a timed intervals or other features.

    I think the "ondemand" governor kicks it down at 85C so if you're hitting that cap for some reason it could be the culprit to check like being enclosed in a heated environment.

    What emulator and games are you running?

    cpuSpeed0=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)

    cpuTemp0=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
    cpuTempM=$(($cpuTemp2 % $cpuTemp1))

    gpuTemp0=$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp)

    echo CPU Speed: $cpuSpeed1" MHz"
    echo CPU Temp: $cpuTemp1"."$cpuTempM"°C"
    echo GPU Temp: $gpuTemp0
  • I am running piplay .8.0.3 and i ran raspi-config from the command line. I need to rewire my xin mo controller so i might take your advice and start over, format the sd card and see how it goes. Thanks
  • @mholgatem - Could you explain how to expand the filesystem and split the ram like you mentioned?
  • When i try to expand the filesystem i get a message saying there is no dev/root folder?
  • @sadeter
    sudo raspi-config

    option 1: Expand Filesystem

    option 8: Advanced options
    ∟option A3: Memory Split
  • @wernernagel2005 - I've never encountered that sort of problem. I tried googling it, but couldn't find anything. Please let me know what you find out!
  • I am so fed up at the moment that I might just format everything and start over.
  • It might be cause im running berryboot to run xbmx on openelec and pimame
  • This might be the problem. I am going to use a separate sd card for xbmc and for piplay and hopefully that will sort the problem.

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