FBA Input Lag
  • Does anyone else notice any input lag using FBA? I tested keyboard and a Mad Catz TE FightStick. They both have almost half a second of input delay. Testing the joystick in jstest, there is no input delay. I haven't tried the other emulators yet. I'm only interested in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. ^_^
  • Did you overclock your pi?
  • Yes. Are you saying you notice no input delay playing SSF2T in piFBA? To be sure, test in the input test menu of the game itself.
  • Ok, Ill poke around. How do you bring the test up?
  • To access the service menu, it's supposed to be L+R+SELECT, which is z+x+TAB for default keyboard controls, but that didn't work for me, so I downloaded the src, changed it to just z+TAB, and it worked. I couldn't see why that worked and the original 3 key command did not.

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