GPioneer - A side project compatible with PiPlay
  • yeah, let me know what you come up with. I'll alter the github repo if necessary
  • are you able to ssh into the pi and use either top or htop to view the system processes as you are shutting down?

    what happens if you comment out the auto-run command for gpioneer (located in /etc/rc.local), then just run it manually?

  • ok, I feared that may be the case. I am thinking that it is probably 1 of 2 different problems.

    1) The app isn't being sent (or isn't receiving) the correct shutdown signal from the system.
    2) The app does receive the signal, but gets stuck on the gpio.cleanup portion of shutting down.

    I made some modifications to the script that should fix problem #1. The changes are already populated to the Github Repo, so you can just re-download that file and give it a try at your convenience.

    Let me know how it goes!
  • bah, that was my fault. It should have been self.signal_handler not just signal_handler. I fixed it. so sorry.
  • hey, I'm just glad that you have the patience to stick with it!
  • Same error here, on a fresh PiPlay image..
  • @float, @Caver01
    wow, ok. I feel like an idiot for not testing it before posting it. I fixed it and tested it on a raspbian wheezy setup. it runs now. hopefully it will shutdown correctly on the jessie setup now.
  • hmm... ok. this is going to take a bit more diving into then. I'm not sure when I'll have time to get to it, but it's one of my top priorities.
  • can you do me a favor? In the command line, type:
    >>>import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

    let me know what it spits out
  • ok, great. I think that i'm running the older version. I'll update and see if that has any bearing on this.
  • I haven't had time to try it out, but I think that this may be what we want to do for running gpioneer on jessie:
  • well that's pretty cool, I didn't know that you could power on with GPIO3 as well. To be honest, I'm not familiar enough with the changes in jessie to know if that is what is causing it. I'm in the middle of a big backyard project right now, but it should all be wrapped up in another week or two.
  • Hi mholgatem! Thank you very much for the excellent work with GPioneer.
    I just install it and run the configuration tool. Joysticks and buttons were reconized ok. But they aren´t working at the piplay menu and they aren´t working with roms. Menu and Games only respond to the keyboard. Any suggestions?
  • Hi @mholgatem !

    Now I can use now the buttons a joysticks both menu and games. The only thing is I need to run manualy this:

    cd ~
    sudo python ~/gpioneer/ &

    I edited etc/rc.local and add this lines there but still I need to run them manually.

    Do you have any advice?

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