Jamma controller
  • I just bought a Jamma Keyboard Converter and set it up with a arcade joystick and some buttons.
    I've been using MAME OS X to test the setup and it works fine.

    When connecting the keyboard converter to my Pi (Model 2 b+) it seems to stop working, but in a strange way.

    When setting up the controls through the PiPlay interface (Hitting TAB > Controller setup), it registers my keypresses just fine, but when trying to use/configure the buttons inside mam4all or the GameBoy emulator, it does not register my keypresses.

    On my MAME OS X, the keys are registered as 'Joy 1 up', 'Joy 1 down' etc., if that gives a clue to anything...

    I've also tried to configure both emulators to just my regular keyboard and that works just fine.

    Any suggestions on what I do wrong, to make this not work?

  • Ok, I just got a bit further...
    Plugging the Jamma Keyboard Converter in and rebooting the Pi helped to make Mame recognize the Button 1, Button 2, Button 3 etc., but not my keyboard.

    I have rewired my joystick to button 1-4 (up, down, left, right) and then remapped the keys in Mame to the corrosponding movements.

    For now, everything works, but I would still like to know if anyone can guide me how to make PiPlay recognize Joystick Up, down, left and right, since I'm missing out on some button by doing it this way :)

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