DGen ROM loading
  • Hi there,
    some of my DGen / Genesis ROMs don't run on the Piplay (Raspi 2) system. DGen starts, but then nothing happens. If I load the ROMS with DGen on a Windows machine they work fine, so I assume it's not due to a bad ROM.
    Is there any known issue about this?
    Thanks in advance,

    EDIT: I tried to play the ROM also on Retropie and there it works fine :-/
  • hmm... weird. I haven't had any problems playing any roms on genesis. What roms are they? I'll give them a shot and see if I can come up with anything.
  • I tested all ROMs of "Ecco the dolphin", no way on piplay but on retropie :(
    Also Doom did not start, whereas Duke Nukem 3D worked...
    Thanks for your help. :)
  • ok, I'll look into it.
  • Any news? :)
  • I just tested them and I'm getting a black screen as well, so at least we know it isn't just you. It's my kids' birthdays this weekend though, so I won't have time to do any trouble shooting until early next week.
  • Thanks for testing, so far. Best birthday wishes to your kid. :)
  • So, I tried to use the retropie settings of dgenrc in PiPlay but still no chance. The other project uses DGen 1.33 whilst Piplay is using 1.32. Hmmm, maybe it works with the latest version? Can you tell me how to upgrade DGen to 1.33 on PiPlay?
  • Has there been any movement on this? I am having the same issues with a couple roms specifically Gunstar Heroes.
  • we have been looking into different emulators, but that's about all right now.
  • Thanks! My son (6) is loving PiPlay, we are going to work on a cab for it this winter.
  • Nice! That should be fun for him! Be sure to post pics, I'd love to see what you come up with!

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