Joysticks and Buttons
  • Hi guys, im curious to see what other people are using. Ive got these and have been informed that theyre not that great. The work pretty well but I must say trying to pull off Dragon Punches in SF2 are near impossible. Admittedly this is a hard joystick combo but shouldnt be so hard. Im just curious if its possibly the sensitivity of them and if a more expensive set of joysticks might be better. Originally went pretty cheap on them as i wasnt sure how well the build would turn out but now that it has I'm considering upgrading those. I assume though that all joysticks are 4 micro switches so how could any one be that much better than another?

    Any info would be brilliant. Thanks!

    Someone pointed me to this place, any particular standouts here?
  • Those joysticks look nearly identical to the ones that I bought from adafruit (other than coloring). They are indeed quite mediocre! What you want for fighting games is a Sanwa JLF. I have friends that build custom tournament joysticks and they swear by these. They aren't too badly priced (about $20 apiece).

    Check out this article for more info on different joysticks.
  • Thanks as always @mholgatem. Will check out the JS and the link. Cheers.

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