Basic setup questions
  • Hi,

    I'm new here and trying to set up the PiPlay. I have some experience using other emulation front-ends on other systems but am kind of lost here about a few very basic questions. I hoping answers to these will get me started.

    Where does the artwork for the individual games go? Does it vary by emulator or is there a consistent way to add it?

    Can I setup separate themes for each of the emulators or can there only be one used for all the systems and main menu?

    Is there a basic FAQ that covers these types of questions? I've looked around but couldn't find one.

  • so for all of the artwork, it will go into /home/pi/pimame/roms/[emulator]/images

    It's just one theme for the whole of piplay, you can customize it how you want, but every emulator will have the same background and layout.

    There is an announcement (a sticky) at the top of the discussions forum that is title 'Rom Scraper', it will give you a lot of info about the boxart. There is an 'FAQ' section (right hand column) that has a lot of good info but it's a few releases old, so some of the info is out of date.
  • Perfect. Thank you. I had actually tried that but it hadn't worked. But knowing that's how it's supposed to work was enough to get me going.

    The problems so far seem to have been...

    ...the JPG artwork all had the extensions in uppercase letters. Changing them to lowercase let the scrapper find them.
    ...some of the artwork was in png format (done for transparent backgrounds). Converting them to jpg's let the scrapper find them.
    ...some of the roms/artwork have periods in the filenames. Renaming the ROMs and the artwork let the scrapper find them.

    And that last one is weird in that the scraper found the game information with the periods in the names but would not correctly associate the artwork.

    Unrelated FYI: I was one of the kickstarter funders and am finally just getting around to getting this set up. All I had tried before was setting it up to play games but never got beyond that.

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