Managing ROMS - clrmamepro
  • So I finally figured out how clrmamepro works to setup ROMS for Mame4All. However, as an example, I got 1942 to work by using clrmamepro. But the Rebuild process leaves me with 3 files (1942, 1942b, Commando). All files are needed to operate the game. I don't want them all to show up in my Mame4All menu; I just want 1942. I have to believe I am doing something wrong still to either not get all the required files in one zip. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  • you will want to use 'merge' sets when running clrmame pro. That will create 'parent sets' that contain the main game along with all of the clones in one file.
  • Merge Sets is grayed out. I am using the dat file from the Mame4All folder. Should I get one elsewhere and would Mame4All even support the parent sets?
  • The datfile defines if you can split/fully merge sets. you need to use a dat file that defines the parent/clone relationships. yes, mame4all does support them.
  • Got another dat. Now I'm working well. Thanks!
  • @mcoulter... where did you get the dat that worked for you? thanks
    I used the 0.37 file and so far it worked for the few games I tried
  • So i have one more question on clrmamepro. Ran it though my ROMS and seemed to work okay and got a bunch more ROMS work. However its populated my rom list with an absolute stack of roms titles i didnt previously have before. I realise that some may be subordinates required to make the existing ones work but wondering if i should go through and manually delete ones that i wouldnt think have any baring or..?
  • That is something I have not figured out for certain either. I played with some that worked without the other files but others that failed.

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