Hi, I have a PICADE and I can use the controls to navigate pimame menus and control mame4all, but when I navigate to advmenu or neogeo only the keyboard will work. The picade controls simply replicate keyboard keys so I'm not sure what is wrong, when I exit advmenu or neogeo the picade controls work again.
Also if I come out of pimame and boot the desktop (startx) then run advmenu the picade controller works.
The PICADE is a USB Human Interface Device it 'looks' like a keyboard and sends the same commands as a keyboard but the 'keys' are mapped in the hardware to specific key codes. so the joystick emulates pressing the arrow keys, etc.
The picade keys work on the pimame menu, but not the advmenu menu, they work on the pimame command line and work on advmenu if launched from the command line from the desktop, but they don't work if advmenu is launched from the command line of pimame.
Ok, I don't know why, but all of a sudden the controls have started working - I haven't changed anything as far as I am aware but now they work - very weird!
ok i eventually figured it out, as long as I don't have a keyboard connected the picade controller works in advancemenu in pimame, if i run advancemenu from the desktop then having the keyboard connected isn't a problem - - no great shakes as i don't intend to have the keyboard conneceted once I have everything setup