Where is Atari?
  • OK, I'm brand new to the Raspberry Pi and PiPlay. I have successfully (I think) installed the latest PiPlay. It boots up and the keyboard works. But where the heck is the Atari icon? I have C64, Final Burn, Game Gear, GB, GBA, Gen, NES, Neo, NeoPC, PS1, Scumm, Sega, SNES, Turbo, and ZX...But no Atari. I thought PiPlay ran Stella?
  • Nevermind, I just saw Shea's blog post from Feb. 20 that said he temporarily removed Stella until he can get it working.
  • To get Stella running on the Pi2:

    1) sudo apt-get install stella
    2) wget http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/pi/sdl/sdl1/deb/rpi2/libsdl1.2debian_1.2.15-8rpi_armhf.deb
    3) dpkg --install libsdl1.2debian_1.2.15-8rpi_armhf.deb

  • (The problem, as posted elsewhere, is that the SDL implementation got borked. An alternate solution would be to downgrade the kernel).
  • I screwed up and misread FortyRocks post. I followed the instructions but on a RPi B+. Now it won't boot into the PiPlay screen. Is there a way to go back or do I need to reflash my sd card?

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