Really small button solution
  • I'm building a really small mame cabinet, using a tiny joystick (This one in particular) and I bought a bunch of cheap (~$1) buttons figuring anything would be OK.

    The joystick is great. The buttons, not so much. You can't flap with those buttons, they're hard to push and half the time they don't even register a press. So I set out to design my own. I ordered a bunch of ebay mouse-micro switches like:THESE and designed a few button shells.

    Here's the final product, the first one I printed. Still have the old crappy buttons in there too for comparison. The new one works great, terrific feel and just enough throw to feel right.
    photo IMG_2998_zpsivftvqwg.jpg
    photo IMG_2999_zpsdi6033ti.jpg
    photo IMG_3001_zpsnxjmjsou.jpg

    I did the design in openscad (which is an open source, freely downloadable script based CAD program) and printed it with a fairly cheap printerbot. If anybody wants the source files or the stls, let me know and I'll publish them somewhere for download.

    I still plan on doing some smoothing work, maybe an acetone vapor treatment to smooth it out, but it came out pretty good (the buttons fit a 1/2" mounting hole).

  • That is really cool Dave! I'm impressed. What kind of screen are you going to hook it up to?
  • Thanks! For the screen, I'm using one of these. I got it off of ebay- It's a composite input, 12VDC input, 4.3" LCD. I've got a 5V audio amp to cram in there too along with a pair of 2" speakers. I'll put up pictures of the finished cabinet when I'm done, but it might be a week or two before I wrap it up.

    photo IMG_3002_zpsii2px0ob.jpg


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