Just curious what the deal is with the progress bar turning red and failing on the Rom upload withing the Rom Manager? Seems to only happen with lager ROMs, typically over a mb. Its not a lack of space thing. Is it a connection thing? Yet to get anything that little bit larger to upload. Couldnt find anything in the FAQ.
I just tested with Firefox, IE, and Chrome. All 3 were able to upload both with drag 'n drop and dialogue box (test file was 25.2MB) without any problems. I'll ask Shea about the 'Server responded with 0 code', is there any other info that you can give me about what is going on? What is the extension of the file that you are trying to upload?
Hmm okay. Zip files all the way. I wonder if the connection drops and then the upload fails. I have had some larger files work and not others. The progress bar turns red and never progress, so essentially hanging.
That might be the source of your problems, but I'm not really sure. you may try just using an ftp client. they are more forgiving when it comes to transferring files.
Okay cool will do. Is there a thread outlining the settings for using within the FTP client, host, username and password and port? (sorry if this should be obvious). Using FileZilla btw.
host is your pi's ip address, username: pi, password: raspberry, you don't need to set the port. If the port is empty, it'll just use the default port.