  • Hello,
    I am new to PiPlay. I have tried many other MAME emulators and none have worked but PiPlay has. I am wanderind If I can connect my joystick and buttons up and use them to play lets say, Donkey Kong US Rev 1. It needs to be through the GPIO pins is my problem. Is this possible using PiPlay (I am building a Bar Top free to play Arcade machine).
  • @pimann2000 - yes, not only is this possible, this is the way that I recommend everyone connect. Just look up adafruit's retrogame utility. It will convert gpio button presses into keystrokes and it runs in the background. You can also do a search on the forums, there have been lots of posts about it.
  • @mholgatem Thank You very much. I had looked at it before and did not think it would work with this OS. I will try it! Thanks!!!

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