MAME Roms wont start
  • hi all, just got my first Pi2, Piplay is up and running ok, but no mame roms will start. when I try to start a mame rom it goes to the command line screen, runs very quickly through some lines, and then returns to the Piplay emulator selector screen. this is the same with both advmame and mame4all.
    can anyone please give me some tips how I can go about troubleshooting this problem. I tried a sega master rom and it ran without issue!

    Thanks for your help
  • ps: running 0.8 beta8
  • many thanks. im off to hit the slopes for probably the last time this year, when I get back this afternoon ill check the folder you suggested and report my findings.
  • thanks, that was the issue with mame4all. now I have a similar issue with advmame. This is missing completely from the pi/pimame/emulators folder, however it IS available for selection in the gui and I can copy files through the web interface to the advmame folder. when I try to start a game it runs through a number of command lines "erf_variousnumbers" not found. I have had a look through the file structure but cant seem to identify the problem.
  • Can someone help me please getting advmame up and running. I have tested mame4all but a number of the games my kids like to play are not running well at all, scrolling very choppy etc.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Hi.roms are the right version and in the right place, i am using the pi2 which should be fast enough.
  • This issue has nothing to do with performance. Advm simply wont start. Mark has been a great help try to get it up and running but all i hav3 been doing for a week is chasing gremlins. One issue is solver another comes up.
    I have now knocked it on the head in anticipation on beta9. Hopefully all the setup issues will be solved.
    Standing by.................
  • @englischdude - I know we've been saying it for like a week now, but beta9 should be out any time now. There are just a couple last tweaks to make and bugs to track down.
  • @mholgatem thanks m8. looking Forward to installing. perfect Timing also, now I have something to do this Weekend.

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