mame roms not appearing on piplay after I download to home/pi/roms
  • Just loaded piplay on to my RPi. I copied some roms onto the USB drive and copied to home/pi/roms directory. Went back to piplay but no roms appeared! Also moved them to home/pi/pimame/roms/mame folder but they still don't appear. All the stuff i see online shows older piplay versions where there is a ROM uploader screen. So I think I am lost!
    Also my Wi-Pi adaptor doesn't work with Piplay. when I switch sd cards to raspbian os it works fine again.
    Please help! New to RPi and Linux
  • Each emulator has it's own rom folder.
  • so do MAME roms go in the home/pi/pimame/roms/mame folder?
    Are they suppose to just show up like the Cave Story game does, on the main piplay screen or where would they show up? What version roms should I be downloading?
  • Also do I need to download MAME4ALL or is it part of the piplay?
  • there is a mame installer that needs to be run. Mame cannot be included in piplay for legal reason, but the installer can be. Run that, then the mame4all emulator will be available to you. clicking on that, will give you your list of games
  • I've upgraded to a Raspberry Pi 2 with a fresh install of NOOBS & Raspbian and PiPlay. I've selected to install MAME (several times now) but neither MAME4ALL nor AdvMAME are showing on the menu. :(

    Any ideas?
  • OK - I downloaded the mame files and the roms show up. When I click on each of the games I get the error message sh: 1/home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame: not found. I read on some other discussions that maybe not all of the mame files were loaded so I expanded the file system allowable space and just reinstalled mame.
    I am getting the same error message. Any ideas?
    I was going to uninstall piplay and start over but when I type sudo ./ I get the error message cannot find uninstall. Or something like that.
  • the installer doesn't work right now because the binaries moved. Check out this thread to get instructions on how to install mame4all:

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