remove/add emulators to/from PiPlay
  • Title basically says it all, id like to remove a handful of emulators that i dont think i will use, and i saw on the pi main forum that you can add a N64 emulator that was made atleast in part by Shea to the PiPlay, and i was wondering if anyone had/advice for doing that
  • You can use the Web interface to remove the emulators you won't use. Just type in the ip address you see on piplay and have at it. I can't help you with adding though. Hopefully we will get n64 in one of the future updates once it's stable enough.
  • we are currently working on getting a bunch of bugs worked out that were introduced with the new kernel, then we will be focusing on upgrading and adding new emulators.
  • thats fair, thanks for the response. now im just wondering if you can provide any specific tips for forcing it on there. from the official sticky on the raspbery pi forum it was implyed that this would work on the PiPlay
  • yeah, that's a really old post. For a while it was believed that the N64 would be able to emulated on the pi1 (they were able to get a few games to sort of run, but nothing really well.) Now that the pi2 is out, it can happen, but for good emulation, tweaks will need to be made and the emulator will need to be re-compiled on the new kernel. And even then, it's still only going to run on the pi2.
  • Re web interface..when I type IP in my browers the page can't be found? It was working a few weeks ago! Any ideas how to solve the problem?
  • You need to type in the ip address displayed on the pimame screen on the top right
  • @markboston - on your pi (in command line), try this.
    python /home/pi/pimame/pimame-web-frontend/
    leave that running and go to your computer to check if you can now log in.
  • Tried and still not working!
  • when you run the web frontend app, and then try it on your computer, if there is an error, it should output it on your raspberry pi. can you post any of the output?

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