Errors and MAME files
  • I have made a few attempts to ensure the mame roms are in the Roms folder under Roms. I modified the mame.cfg to point to the roms folder, not emulator roms. All the Mame files appear, most with a .zip extension on screen. I've tried to play out the mames that have a zip extension and those that appear to import properly ( name is properly showing). Mames with .zip come back with missing files, mostly .bin files, but they are in the zip if I decompress it.

    Files that appear right, give me the error below.

    I have also put them in the adv mame and mame roms folder with no luck. Mame tries to load, then permission denied, then back to the mame list.

    Error says:

    Relaunch 2
    Sh: 1: /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4-all/mame: not found

    This is an emulator error versus mame linkage, yet all the mame files per the download package have been placed in the emulators/mame4-all folder

    I don't know.
    Any advice?
  • I have the same issue
  • in command line, you can try this:
    /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame -verifyroms 1943
    you can replace '1943' with the name of whatever rom you want to check, just leave off the extension.

    You can also do something like this:
    /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame -verifyroms * >verify.txt
    which should verify all of the roms and write the results to verify.txt
  • When I looked at that location I didnt even see the mame folder.
    The extension is:
    There was no mame folder inside there, only a roms folder.
    So maybe we need to get it checking the:
    /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms directory
  • no there isn't a mame folder, it's the mame file. you are running the mame file with the -verifyroms flag, which means rather than running the main program, it just runs a check on the rom that you specify
  • I dont have anything there except another folder that houses the roms... what kind of file should I have, and where can I find it?

    I was reading up on this and I think some people solved the issue by running the mame installer script again, so maybe the install was not done properly?
  • ah, then you need to run the installer. (check the forums though, the install files recently moved and our current built-in installer doesn't work right now)
  • ahh, that may be the issue. I ran the installer from the menu and ended up with that error.
    Is there any way to uninstall and try again, or is there no need to uninstall before trying to install following the directions?
  • no need to uninstall, since the files moved, the installer didn't grab anything. I'm looking for the post right now that has the fix

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