beta 8 web frontend
  • How do I install and configure the web frontend? reading requirements.txt, lists: Django, flask, etc. Do I need to install all of these prior to getting the frontend running? If so, how do I go about doing this?

  • When you boot your Pi and PiPlay loads, if you are connected to your network, you should see an IP address in the top-right corner of the screen... example:

    From a computer open your web-browser and type (Use the numbers from the top right corner of the PiPlay main screen.)

    You shouldn't need to install anything to get the web front end to load from a browser.
  • Yeah. That doesn't work. If it had, I wouldn't have posted. I'm assuming there is a web service that hadn't been started. How would I go about checking this?
    Thank you.

  • @fattyphunt - make sure that the web-front-end is running by typing
    sudo python /home/pi/pimame/pimame-web-frontend/ &

    You seem to be having a lot of problems getting things running. Can you give us a rundown of what version pi and your installation method? might help us figure out some of the bugs.
  • Well, that explains it. I get an error in line 5. "From flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQAlchemy and another ImportError.
    I installed pimame by first installing NOOBS on my pi b, and then manually installed beta 8 via
    Everything runs, sort of. Should I have done it differently?

  • What's the best way to install the full version of piplay? I followed the instructions here:
    And as you can tell I have had problems with the web frontend. Which I still can't get to run; and button savings.
    I had to install a custom kernel to get the xin-mo joystick to work properly (which it now does) and manually install mame4all.
    Any hints?

    Thank you for your time.

  • That installer doesn't work for the new beta 8 (this was supposed to be a smooth rollout, then they sprung rpi2 with the new kernel on us). For right now, you should use this installer.

    That should get your web front-end working. Otherwise, you can also use the piplay image found at sourceforge
  • Should I uninstall prior to running the update?
    Thanks for your help.

  • I think that you should be able to just run the update
  • Well, I got the web front end working. I'm still having control saving issues. I'm wondering if I should just reinstall to a new SD from scratch. If I choose this route, after I install noobs, what's the best approach? Will update-beta work? Or do I have to use installer? If the latter, would someone point me to the best installation instructions? Thank you.


  • @fattphunt - Shea and I are actually working on the control issue right now. We've gotten quite a bit worked out, we should have something working by the end of this weekend (maybe even sooner).

    In the meantime, you can grab these 2 files and put them in your pimame/pimame-menu/pmmenu folder (it may or may not work for you, depending on your controller.) But it certainly can't be any worse, right? You can also manually configure any of the emulators by tracking down their config files.
  • @mholgatem - What items are these? In case I do end up doing a clean install this weekend. What are the best steps after I install Noobs Raspbian? Will the shell script "" sufficient for a complete installation of piplay, or are there other steps?

  • oops, sorry, I forgot to add the links:
  • @mholgatem the files you posted work, at least for Super Nintendo. That is the only one I tried. I did have an issue with setting up the first time because it skipped a few buttons, might need a debounce fix.
    Just tested player 2 on SNES and looks like the configuration didn't save
  • yeah, that is the problem that we are currently working on. once we get the debounce problem fixed, then all the control stuff should be good to go.

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