ROMs work on Windows version of mame but not on pi play.
  • I have a bunch of rom files that work great on the windows version of mame but dont work on Piplay.
    I get missing file errors when I try and load the game.
    Is there something else I need to do to get the roms working?
  • The various Pi versions of Mame all use different older mame sets.

    The solutions are to download the proper rom version for each emulator or run the roms you have through clrmame so that they can be renamed and verified as a working set.
    " MAME Rom Sets
    MAME4ALL uses 0.37b5
    AdvMAME uses 0.106 "
  • Thanks for the clarification. I had the right rom sets but I always had trouble getting it to work. Maybe I need to do the clrmame step...
  • I had the right ones too I thought, but then I used clrmame and the .dat file from PiFBA and Mame4All-Pi and found a ton of inconsistencies with the actual rom names inside the .zip files.

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