Hdmi video Problem
  • hi i have 2 tv tv 1 is 2 years old i have setup PIPLAY 0.8.0 and everything works fine but once i connect it to 2nd HDMI TV
    which is 5 years old it don't show anything on it i change hdmi cable but still no good does anyone have any idea how to get this going on the old tv

    thank you avior
  • Hi thank you for reply but still no good it show on the hdmi within the tv menu but still show no signal on the screen still blank any other ideas you might know

  • You'll need to go here http://elinux.org/RPiconfig for more info but here are the basics I would do (recently happened to be with a new monitor)

    in config.txt file add the line hdmi_safe=1 then boot up.

    This should really force it to display, but image will look like crap.
    hdmi_safe=1 actually changes multiple settings in one command. You can read about it on the site I listed above. Once you can get something on the screen with hdmi_safe=1, you know it will work and you can then manually play with each individual setting to see which is impacting it.

    Personally, I found that the group and mode caused all my issues. To find out what settings are support by your monitor, in the terminal type:

    /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -m CEA
    to give a list of CEA supported modes

    /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -m DMT
    to give a list of DMT supported modes

    Pick the one you want and manually set

    Make sure you comment out hdmi_safe=1 and then boot

    good luck

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