Why on Earth is Avancemame even on Piplay?
  • I have tried both Advancemame and Mame4all, and there is simply no contest.

    Advancemame is based on newer source code, and has higher compatibility, but it's so slow on most games that it's simply unusable!

    Mame4all plays most (actually every single one I have tested) games with aplomb, but Advancemame is like a slide show on all but the most basic games (and even on some basic games too).

    I understand that Advancemame is newer, more accurate, and compatible with more games, but what's the point if you can't play the games at a reasonable frame rate?

    In my opinion, the Rasberry Pi simply doesn't have the grunt to run Avancemame properly, and it shouldn't even be included in Piplay.

    Why isn't Mame4all the default emulator?
  • legally, we can't include it with the distro. But yeah, I agree. I like mame4all much better.
  • +1, completly agree with Jamesbeat, That's why raspicade only has mame4all ;). I went to the same conclusion 10 months ago!!! with incluse so much emulators when some of them are simply not usable because of the pi computing power.

    Yes it can't be included in the distro, but, when installing, a simple apt-get install or git pull ;) allows to include it quickly. Not included in distro, but installed for the user a start. only need = networking for installtion and configuration.

    And legally.... yes, we can't... but seriously, who only play with free game in retrogaming? are you really in legality? The limitations in the mame licence are too strong on my opinion... you can modified code by yourself (that i've done to support fully xin-mo) but you can't distribute... no way.

    Tell me, we can't include mame4all but avdmame can? They're both based on the mame code ? no? How it can be possible?
  • I like advmame better. It just is.
  • There's no doubt that Advancemame is better from a technical point of view.

    The problem is that it is unusably slow in the Raspberry Pi.
  • I agree, Advmame is better, but until it will be optimized for pi, it is just not really usable... Who wants to play 1944 with slow sound and 20 fps!
  • Why is it legal to distribute Advancemame but not Mame4all?

    And if it's illegal to distribute Mame4all, how come it is on older versions of Pimame?
  • This was addressed a few months ago if I recall. Originally, piplay was called pimame, but was notified it was in violation of the MAME license. It had to be renamed, and the distributable removed from the image. The latest beta allows you to install it from the menu through apt-get. Cumbersome, but a way to keep the program legally.

    As for advancemame, I have no idea why its included. It doesn't work at a usable framerate and should be removed until such a time it is optimized for the raspberry.
  • honestly, it's still included because it is the first emulator I compiled for the Pi, and is the reason PiPlay exists. AdvMAME was moved to github, and it looks like the author might be working on it again. I'm hoping it gets better soon.
  • I prefer advmame when in piplay for the simple reason that it runs all of the roms I have. There are several, like galaga, that fail with missing rom errors on mame4all, yet runs fine in advmame.

    That being said, I borked my advmame.rc file and had the program generate a new one. Now it won't start. I need a copy of the original advmame.rc file that was installed in piplay. Can someone post theirs? Or point me to a link where I can download it? I'm getting display errors, so I assume there was some tweaking needed to make it work in piplay. (I did correct the rom and artwork paths)

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