Neo Geo not working?
  • hi guys

    Just had some free time and got stuck into getting my software sorted and found that the Neo Geo emulator always reports back

    "rom not supported!"

    these roms are working fine on my pc and as far as i can tell are neo geo roms so im at a loss unless others have had the issue?
  • make sure you have the file in with your roms.
  • nop i don't?
    where would i find that and is it just needed in its normal zip format?
    theres plenty of files found via google, first one from a sites lidyrf in there didn't solve the issue tho i did spot the file had a bios listed which is often missing from downloads for legal reasons and needed?

    tested and removed a few both in zip and out from the 1.5mb ones right down to the 260kb stripped ones required for running neogeo on android still cant seem to find whats missing

  • forgot to ask, did you make sure that you are trying to run a rom that fba supports? There's a list of them located in /home/pi/pimame/emulators/fba/
  • Bingo thats what was missing thanks mholgatem! just got breakers working
    hmm now to slim whats installed..

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