New PiPlay Version from Kickstarter - how-to questions!
  • Hey experts!

    So I have the old pimame running like a champ. I just got in the mail the other day the all new piplay sd card. I started her up this evening and am totally lost as it seems to be a completely new-looking beast! How do I connect to the internet? I did this before by using one of those usb wifi thingies. Also, how do I get roms from my usb drive to the right place? I'm unable to install mame and I can't seem to get to the rasp pi desktop like the older version. I wouldn't be surprised if there is info about all this around here, but I searched a couple different keywords with no results. Can some one inform me or direct me? Thanks! -Will
  • The latest does look pretty different.

    I'm not sure what version came on the SD card but on the latest there is a WIFI configure menu item for setting up your internet connection. I've never used it so I can't really comment any further.

    Once you have it connected to your network, enter the PI's IP address in a web browser from another machine on your network that has your ROM's. Use the Rom Uploader to transfer the ROMs to the Pi.

    To get to the desktop, click the Terminal menu item (might actually be Exit, can't remember at the moment). Once the terminal loads, type: startx This will load the desktop environment.
  • It is possible to get the ROMs onto your Pi directly from USB once you get into the desktop environment. You just have to put them in the correct directories. The ROM Uploader is the easiest.
  • Thanks! Yeah, the weird thing is when I try to esc to get to the desktop everything goes bonkers, flickering and the desktop is there, but only parts of it flash when I mouse around. If I could get the the desktop, I could do everything I've done before. I'm working on downloading the latest version image and try to make it work that way.

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