Retarded display issues!
  • So..... i have finally picked my project up again! and slowly remember why i hate pi's... well my more inability to use linux.

    I just fired my Pimame system up after it sitting for about a month in my workshop on halt..
    Linux booted.
    Played my loading video.
    Text came up ontop of video to say pimame was booting.
    And then bam screen went black and nothing.

    Putty is proving its not a system crash, just pimame except i can not figure out why. nor can i plug in a keyboard and exit this mystical black screen.... really annoying if ya want my opinion.

    Any one have any idea's on this?
  • d1ck b4g..........

    so was not a pimame issue like i was thinking... HDMI settings were all messed up because i forgot i was now running a hdmi-vga adaptor.
    if any one else needs them!
    If you open the /boot/config.txt file you will see that there are plenty of lines commented out that change the behavior of the HDMI output in the Raspberry Pi. This is the configuration that made my Raspberry Pi work OK using an HDMI to VGA adapter at 1080p (giving 1920×1080 resolution):

    This other works for HDMI to VGA adapter on a 1024×768@60MHz monitor (having a terminal geometry of 48×128):

    And this worked on a 1440×900@60MHz monitor (having a terminal geometry of 56×180):

    hdmi_group defines the HDMI type (Not specifying the group, or setting to 0 will use the preferred group reported by the edid):

    hdmi_group=1 – CEA
    hdmi_group=2 – DMT

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