Installation issues
  • So I followed the installation instructions, and do not appear to have Pimame. The installation instructions say that after a reboot, I should boot into Pimame. instead, I boot into the usual Raspi desktop, as thouh nothing happened.

    Is there something I missed? The instructions were very short, and I think that things which should have been written there probably weren't, because like most programmers, a lot was assumed by the writer -- like the assumption that whoever is following the instructions knows how to fill in the blanks, or knows certain rules that a total novice may not.

    Well, I'm a novice Raspberry PI user, so I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything before following the instructions. I did notice that there were a lot of errors installing, most of them saying that there is a problem because "force" is turned on. What does that mean?
  • @dwirish - can you link me to the installation instructions that you used? I'll do what I can to help.
  • Have a look in .profile
    Remove any line that says startx
    See if that helps
  • I think the problem is that it's not clear how to install it.

    I didn't get that you had to download the image and make a bootable PiMAME SD card. I was just downloading the file on my Raspberry Pi's web browser, and following the getting started instructions. I am now downloading the image on my PC, and making a bootable SD card.

    If it was clear that you had to do that from the start, it would save other people the trouble of asking for help.
  • Pretty much everything on the PiPlay site is outdated now... I'll talk to Shea about getting it updated. Sorry that it was unclear how to install.
  • So I had success. I made a bootable micro-SD (32GB, trying 64GB later) card, and booted up. I uploaded a bunch of ROMS, and was sort of impressed. All the older games work great, except for a couple (Phoenix is very slow, while later games like Galaga are great). I put it into Turbo mode.

    Sometimes, the internal ftp server stops working. Once I run adv Mame, when i return, the FTP doesn't work until I reboot.

    None of the older B&W Atari Vector games seem to work (asteroids, battlezone)-- the video doesn't work, but I can hit esc, down-arrow, enter, and exit back the PiPlay menu. Is this a known issue?

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