Retrogame Vulcan Nerve Pinch
  • I am trying to get the "Vulcan Nerve Pinch" to work so I don't have to wire an "Esc" key. The file says ...

    "The default value here uses elements 6 and 7 (credit and start in the Cupcade pinout). "

    But I am not using the Cupcade pinout. My buttons have been setup under the "basic retro gaming project" section. Is there a way to tell the Nerve Pinch us elements from this section? It doesn't seem to work if I reference Cupcade section if I am using the "basic" section.

    Thank you,

  • it does work, here's the basics of how the code works:

    cupcade setup:
    { 2, KEY_LEFT }, // Joystick (4 pins) [line-0]
    { 3, KEY_RIGHT },// [line-1]
    { 4, KEY_DOWN },// [line-2]
    { 17, KEY_UP },// [line-3]
    { 27, KEY_Z }, // A/Fire/jump/primary[line-4]
    { 22, KEY_X }, // B/Bomb/secondary [line-5]
    { 23, KEY_R }, // Credit [line-6]
    { 18, KEY_Q }, // Start 1P [line-7]
    { -1, -1 } }, // END OF LIST, DO NOT CHANGE

    regular setup:
    { 25, KEY_LEFT }, // Joystick (4 pins) [line-0]
    { 9, KEY_RIGHT },// [line-1]
    { 10, KEY_UP }, // [line-2]
    { 17, KEY_DOWN }, // [line-3]
    { 23, KEY_LEFTCTRL }, // A/Fire/jump/pri [line-4]
    { 7, KEY_LEFTALT }, // B/Bomb/secondar [line-5]
    { -1, -1 } }; // END OF LIST, DO NOT CHANGE

    notice my line number additions. They point out the entry number that you need, in order to set the vulcan nerve pinch

    now, you need to find this line:
    const unsigned long vulcanMask = (1L << 6) | (1L << 7)<br />

    change the numbers 6 and 7 to whatever combo you need. If you were to use the above regular setup, you could change the vulcanMask to (1L << 4) | (1L << 5), which would set the vulcanNeverPinch combo to your 'A' + 'B' buttons (leftctrl + leftalt). so it's basically just counting the number of entries (starting with '0').<br />

    You can also use my version of retrogame, which allows for the vulcanpinch + up to 6 combos. it's set up the same way, you just enter in the two numbers that correspond to what combination of entries that you want to use.
  • sorry about the formatting, the forums sometimes do weird things when there are extra '<'
  • Thank you for the quick response. The "If..Then..Endif" in the file was throwing me off for some reason, and I wasn't starting at 0 when I counted.

    The "pinch" only seems to work within the menu. When I launch Mame4All and start a rom it doesn't seem to work. I have to press ESC on the keyboard to get back to the menu, but then I can "pinch" to exit the menu.

    My first combination was the buttons for Player 1 & Player 2. I mapped an "Enter" key to be used when navigating the menu. My second combination was Enter and Alt-Fire. Both only worked within the menu, not the game. Am I doing something wrong?

    I think I am going to make the switch to your version, I don't know if this will resolve the issue, but up to 6 combinations will be handy.

    Thank you for all of your help. I am now at 95% completing my arcade cabinet, and the excitement is building.

  • yeah, I had some troubles with their version as well. One of the problems with how they implemented it is that you can get false positives for the keys that are inside the vulcanpinch. I altered the code so that it searches for the combos first, and then implements any remaining keys after. I haven't tested on mame4all, but it works great on fba.
  • Sounds good. I will give it a try.

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