MAME4All not found
  • New to the board and new to PiPlay. When I go to start a ROM in MAME4All I get a line that says 1: /home/pi/pimame/emulator/mame4all-pi/mame: not found

    Any thoughts
  • I have the same issue and cannot seem to find a solution anywhere, hopefully someone will see both of our s.o.s messages and send help.
  • This is a known bug that will be fixed in the next update. In the meantime, you can fix it by creating a symbolic link in the command line. type this:
     ln /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms
    This will create a 'shortcut' in the emulators/mame4all-pi folder and call it 'roms'. This shortcut will point to the actual pimame/roms folder.
  • Thanks for your help, I wrote that in command and got the following:
    ln: '/home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all': hard line not allowed for directory

    I went into desktop and used file manager to look in the mame4all-pi folder and it is empty, is this normal? it seems like the mame4all emulator never installed.

  • make sure that you ran the mame installer first. And I accidentally left a part out, it should be
     ln -s /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms
  • Thanks,

    I tried that and still no luck, I have cleaned the SD card and re-written the image to it.

    I was wondering if you could give me a bit of a guide as to how what I should be doing including what to write in the command line. This is about the 5th time I have had to start again, and I am starting to think it might be me :)

    If you could assume I don't know anything about linux, which is 100% true.
    I will understand if this is too time consuming for you, I appreciate your help to date.

    I have just made an awesome arcade gamepad, and all that is missing is a small machine that can run the arcade emulators and roms, hopefully if you can help I will be able to complete it and upload the photos of it all up and running!


  • I'm having similar issues on PiPlay 0.8p6 right after imaging. The which is downloaded as part of "Install Mame" appears to be zero byte.
  • I'm also having similar issues.
    After running the line above, I get the message that the files were already linked.
    "ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/pi/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/mame4all': File exists"
  • @joe2
    I believe you have to remove the directory first. Something like:
    rm /home/pi/pimame/roms/MAME4ALL
    ln -s /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms

  • I'll check it out when I get home tonight. Thanks.
  • @Conno123009 - Nice! I never would have thought of that.
  • @Conno123009
    I ran this:
    rm -r /home/pi/pimame/roms/MAME4ALL
    ln -s /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms

    And got the same error as listed above
  • Just making sure, did you try MAME4ALL in lowercase too?
  • yes. sorry, I did.
  • as an update...
    I can remove the folder and create the link (and get the error about the file existing)
    But, I still get the error where MAME4ALL doesn't load properly.
  • Try running:
    rm /home/pi/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/mame4all

    And then run this again:
    rm -r /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all
    ln -s /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms
  • You just beat me to replying :D
  • Maybe it's a problem in your MAME.CFG file?
    Have a look where the roms section of that is pointing too.

    Sorry it took a while to reply, because I posted twice in 60 seconds, Spam Block is now effective on my account, apparently. (ಠ_ಠ) I've had enough time to even look up Eastern Emoticons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yay
  • nope. same result. what's weird is that when I ran
    "rm -r /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all", I got "rm: cannot remove '/home/pi/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/mame4all': No such file or directory"...
    but, I *also* got the error "ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms': File exists"...
  • Nice emoticons! And don't worry... it was late where I was and tried to go to bed...
    Huh. Now *THAT'S* weird... that file, mame.cfg, is blank. Like, empty. I'd expect there something to be there.
  • I think it may be time to downgrade.
  • I think if you reimaged or re-run the mame4all jnstaller plus create the symbolic link, it may work. Try going into startx and deleting mame4all-pi and reinstall mame.
    I dont know, sorry.
  • how do you re-run only the mame4all installer?
    i'll look at that today...
  • Edit config.yaml and change 'Install Mame' to visible. Then load the menu and run the installer.
    Once its finished you may have to make mame4all visible again in config.yaml
  • I already downgraded to .7.10 ... but am having a weird permissions issue... I should have checked here first.
  • hi all ... i had same problem and solved , it's not a bug .. it's easy .
    you need to extend the FS. and reinstall mame4all-pi .

    go to the shell (exit)
    type "df" if you see /rootfs or /dev/root to 98% you are running out of space and the installation script fail becasue no space on sd.

    run sudo raspi-config and extend the SD FS (first option)
    go to the shell (exit)
    reinstall mame using the script located in /home/pi/mame python

  • In addition to what korb3n said, if you only have a 4Gb sd card, then you can remove a few things, scratch and wolfram for a start, that wil lfree up about 500Mb of space:

    sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine scratch
  • Havin' the same problem! Sure enough my /rootfs (not sure what that means!) and the other one were at 99%. So I got rid of the wolfram-engine. Now they are at 84%. So now I'm stumped at reinstalling mame4all. I'm not totally understanding the "reinstall mame using the script located in /home/pi/mame python" that was mentioned above. I mean, I found the text that is in but I have no idea what to do with it or what it means! Any way to dumb it down or am I hopeless?!?
  • @Captain_Wag
    Did you expand the rootfs (Basically its the User partition) by running raspi-config?
    To install mame just type:
    python /home/pi/pimame/

    Good luck!
  • Not exactly sure what that means to expand the rootfs. I did try reinstalling pimame with the script you gave me. It worked in that I reinstalled mame4all but then when I tried to open it up I got a new error message. Ugh! Frustrating...
  • Hello,
    I had the same issue.
    I've expanded file system with the raspi-config.
    Then I installed mame by the python script in the shell.
    The error "not found" came back. So I tried to make symbolic links as described, but nothing. So I find that the mame directory what missing because the installation don't work properly for me.
    In the file "", there is
    cd /home/pi/pimame
    cp mame4all-pi/ /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/

    but that's not good location of the zip file. So I change this line with the nano editor in shell to :
    cp /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/

    Mame is finally installed, but a lot of games are not supported... Maybe there's still others problems.
  • @kris5651

    Thanks kris, I could finally install mame4all.
    Great work!

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