Problem with beta 8 & mame4all... getting python error... don't know how to resolve.
  • I'm having an error and I don't know how to fix. First off, this is what my mame4all ROM list looks like. I'm not sure this is what it's supposed to look like:

    Secondly, when starting and stopping a particular ROM, this error shows up having to do with draw_boxart:

    Can someone help me figure out what I need to do correct these? I'm planning on building a cabinet and would like it to boot and look as clean as possible.

  • @slbailey - Hey there! I wrote the draw_boxart module, so I know what's going on. I didn't take into consideration that the romlist might take up the whole screen and create a negative area for the boxart picture. The way that it figures the sizes is like this:

    screen_width - rom_list_width = available_area_for_boxart_and_info

    so if you edit:

    rom_list_min_background_width: 600
    rom_list_max_text_width: 600

    to something like (depending on your resolution):
    rom_list_min_background_width: 300
    rom_list_max_text_width: 300

    you may also want to lower the font size:
    rom_list_font_size: 19

    that should fix it for you.
  • Yup... Fixed it no problem. Now the new problem I have is that the box art is plastered against the top of the screen. It doesn't seem to be taking into account the boxart_offset values. I assume that's giving me the ability to move the top left offset of where box art should be drawn. I flipped my monitor on it's side and am running in a 600x800 resolution. I want to have to box art centered on the right side of the screen so I set the boxart_offset to [0,400) and it's always displayed at the top of the right half of the screen. Ideas there?
  • actually, the boxart_offset doesn't do anything right now (it used to, but got disabled with this last update). It just auto centers itself inside of the boxart container. I'm planning on implementing game descriptions underneath the boxart.

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