Retro Arcade - PiPlay - Raspberry PI
  • So thort i would show off my arcade machine V1 Code named Cadie-1
    Started Off with a MDF chasis that was mocked up from cardboard.

    Used 5 Buttons that i got from a local supplier in ENZED

    And obviously a joystick Coin insert and a few little addons

    So far i have the pi booting right into the Mame4all emulator, controls setup and working on about 10 games.
    As i am finding issues in getting many games working /sadface.
    Also have a HDMI To VGA adaptor on its way to get the screen working.
    Going to wrap the whole box in carpet that is used on car sub boxes. and the controller pad will be done in a very thick mouse pad surface.

    As i have sold this cabinet already my plans the next cabinet are Raspberry pi-B+ Two player support.
    24" Monitor vertical mounted

    Let me know what you all think open to advice =^,^=
  • Nice! I like it! :D
  • I have been working on trying to do this for the last few weeks. Can you help me with the details of the setup?
  • I have followed this and I was able to get the 4 inputs from the joystick working but not the buttons.
  • did you edit the retrogame.c file and then run the 'make' command?
  • Hey iggy, can you share the code you used to boot straight to mame4all?
  • Sorry i have been away for so long guys! i had to put this project on hold due to my electrical engineering courses! HOW EVER I AM BACK!
    What files do you need? i will happily upload them all to you if it would help some one out?

    I currently have my 4way joy stick 5 Buttons and a secondary button and a coin button running but it should be 6 + coin ideally.

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