A few issues with PiPLAY 0.8.5
  • Hello,

    I've just updated to the latest beta of PiPLAY from PiMAME .7 and pretty impressed with the improvements especially with the menu system!

    I've been configuring the menu through config.yaml
    I've been able to hide items in the menus but wondering if there is a way to rearrange the order they appear in?
    I turned Alphabetical ordering in the menu and rearranged the order in config.yaml but doesn't seem to be doing anything.
    Also is it possible to put blank menu items in there so that you can separate reboot / shutdown etc from the emulators?
    Or setup shortcut keys to launch different emulators?

    It's cool to see consistent game directory across emulators as well instead of using the emulators built in directory!
    I seem to have a bit of a strange thing going on though... Whenever I am in any of the rom selection screens
    and press the left key on the keyboard, it exits PiPLAY into the terminal window... Can anyone help out with that?
    Is it possible to set up a page up / page down button to go through the list?

    I had two player snes working on PiMAME .7 but my config file doesn't seem to work for the second player anymore... Is it no longer supported?

    I seem to also have an issue with the Genesis screen resolution. It is quite low... I played around with the Open GL / resolution settings in dgenrc but can't seem to get it to auto fit the page or even go higher than 640 x 480 (If I put it to 1024 x 768 it seems to go back to the default setting which is smaller than the 640 x 480 ...)

    Lastly, I can't seem to get AdvMAME or MAME4All to load any roms that previously worked.. It just tells me that there are missing files . ..

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks! :)
  • @kenno124510 - Most of the answers to your questions are floating around on the forums here. As for re-arranging the order of the emulators, you will probably need to turn off both 'abc order' and 'show emulators with roms first'. Both of those affect the sort order. I don't know if you will then be able to display them in the order that you want or not, I've never tried, but that's your best bet.

    Pressing left or right on the keyboard should be the equivalent of page up and page down. I'm not sure why it is exiting you to console. does it print an error?

    I believe that you need to grab the two player version of the snes emulator. I don't think that it made it into this build.

    edit the dgen config file and replace the end (about the last 40 lines), with this:
    scaling_startup = scale2x
    emu_z80_startup = drz80
    emu_m68k_startup = cyclone
    bool_sound = true
    int_soundrate = 22050
    int_soundsegs = 8
    int_soundsamples = 0
    int_volume = 100
    key_volume_inc = "="
    joy_volume_inc = ''
    key_volume_dec = "-"
    joy_volume_dec = ''
    bool_mjazz = false
    int_nice = 0
    int_hz = 60
    bool_pal = false
    region = ' '
    str_region_order = "JUEX"
    bool_fps = false
    bool_buttons = false
    bool_fullscreen = false
    int_info_height = -1
    int_width = -1
    int_height = -1
    int_scale = -1
    int_scale_x = -1
    int_scale_y = -1
    int_depth = 0
    bool_swab = false
    bool_opengl = true
    bool_opengl_aspect = true
    int_opengl_width = -1
    int_opengl_height = -1
    bool_opengl_linear = true
    bool_opengl_32bit = true
    bool_opengl_swap = false
    bool_opengl_square = false
    bool_doublebuffer = true
    bool_screen_thread = false
    bool_joystick = true

    the advmame and mame4all need to either have their config files changed to point to the right rom location, or you need to create a symbolic link that points to the roms folder. Check the forums for more info!
  • I experienced the odd left/right issue myself.

    Specifically, when hitting left in the NES emulator, it dumps to console with the following:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "launchmenu.py", line 35, in
    File "launchmenu.py", line 29, in main
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/pmmenu/romlistscene.py", line 160, in handle_events
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimae-menu/pmmenu/romlistscene.py", line 218, in set_selected_index
    self.selected_item = self.list.labels(selected_index)
    IndexError: list index out of range

    It may be possible that this is happening because I do not currently have any NES roms (or any beyond the example rom) on the system yet. Hope this feedback helps!
  • @MonkeyJamboree - it's happens when there aren't enough roms to fill the screen. I've already fixed it and it will be available in a day or two when the next release shows up :D
  • Oh, awesome! Good going! :)

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