Trying to add a mame game directly to the Piplay menu
  • Hi, Im trying to add a couple of games as icons to the piplay menu where all the emulators are shown. Ive made custom art for Mspacman for example and have attempted with both Mame4all and advmame without any real luck. any way you can tell me the sintax to use within the config.yaml file? Thanks.
  • I'm not 100% sure, as I have not tested this. But I would think something like this for mame4all:

    - label: MsPacMan
    visible: Yes
    full_path: no
    command: /home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame mspacman
    override_menu: yes
    type: GAME

    you may need to change the name of the rom in the 'command' line, I don't know what it's actually named. But I think that you need to leave off the '.zip' extension.
  • @mholgatem
    That should work :)
    As for Advmame, use:

    - label: MsPacMan
    visible: Yes
    full_path: no
    command: advmame mspacman
    override_menu: yes
    type: GAME
  • Thank you that worked.
  • great! I was wondering when someone would do something like that! :D
  • Small issue though, could you tell me what config file to point to so i can share the one from mame4all or advmame? with the info above I have to setup the controls everytime it starts up.

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