pinball emulators?
  • Are there any pinball games that can be played on the raspberry pi?
  • Somebody out there must be playing some pinball on this... I need to know if I should wire extra buttons on the side or not, and if so, what buttons do the bumpers primarily use so that I can wire them up correctly?
  • I am curious about this as well.
  • I found a couple of pinball games in SNES and Genesis but they are low quality games. I'm hoping that there are better quality games that somebody would actually want to play.
  • I think there were pinball games on the ps1 too but thats probably as good as youll get it i think. As far as realism goes its a reason the pi mainly focus on emulating these older games. You would need much better than this sadly to run ie future or visual pinball.
  • It should be able to add a good pnball emulator to piplay. Maybe something for one of the futute updates?
  • @simmerdown thanks for the tip, I didnt think about PS1 as a pinball emulator. I will definitely look into that.
  • I found some playstation pinball games.
    Pro Pinball-Big Race USA
    Pro Pinball-Timeshock!
    Pro Pinball-Fantastic Journey
    Extreme Pinball
    True Pinball

    Ill try these out and see what happens
  • I thought i read about future pinball and Linux somewhere? Tho i am sure the pi would not run it anyways.
    Please let me know how it goes krayz.
    If not just make a virtual pinball cabinet with visual pinmame. I love mine!

    Unfortunately, Future Pinball will not run on the Pi, it requires an x86 processor.
  • And did you see it, it requires huge computational power!!!
  • Yeah wine... Well, I knew a pi wouldn't be able to run something like that anyway. I still think ps1 is as good as it gets for now.

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