I want some help getting started. I have an SD card. I'm on Ubuntu 14. - For RaspBian I just extracted all the files to the SD card. Is that what I need to do here? - If I format the SD card, then does it need to be NTFS, EXT4, or something else? - What software do you recommend for "burning" the ISO to the SD card?
an 8GB SD card is like less than $10. I don't see the big deal.. if you squeezed it on a 4GB card, that wouldn't leave much room for any games/images/videos/etc.
Shea is on vacation this week. I'm not sure what process he uses to create the images, but I think that he may have just forgotten to remove the unused space when writing the card.
I purchased a 16gb SD card for the raspberry pi. Upon using Win32 Disk Imager for installation, my card was only showing 8gb used when booting into the pi. http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
I'm going to attempt to increase the card size to 16gb to hold my ROMS. Would using raspi-config be considered the optimum method to achieve this?