NES rom manager issue
  • Hi, Im running the newest version of PiPlay. When I try to upload any NES roms (unzipped with the extension *.nes) the rom manager does not see the files afterwards. I also checked on the pi it self using 'ls' and the files uploaded are not there. However I try to upload the ROM in a zipped file the files/games will show up, and scrape as normally. However when I try to open it through the front end the monitor goes black and my keyboard eventually dies on me.

    I've tried the SNES folder and that works fine (However those are playing as .zip).

    If anyone would have an idea how to fix this I would love to hear it. I am sure I am just doing something wrong as I don't really have a clue about ROMs or Linux.
  • I also have the exact same thing.
    But if the monitor goes black, I still can shh and do a reboot.
    I also did an update "wget -O - | bash" but the same :(
  • Hi and thanks for the answer,
    I just ftp'ed to the NES folder and uploaded .NES files and that worked. However, it will give me black screens just like the .zip files does. Will this give you a black screen as well?
  • just tried 2 games and both will list and will play. so ftp (SFTP with cyberduck) did it for me.
  • Tried it again now with the same games have a black screen. Tomorrow i'll get a new sd card, many it's because of a bad card.
    Tried it on 2 raspberry's. 1 x model A 256 and 1 x B+

    If i reboot the Rpi, and goes immediately in piplay, I have the nes black screen problem, but if I ecs out piplay and do startx and try again, it works.

    Only it looks like for instance MARIO BROS goes a bit fast.

    Try to go in and out piplay, maby it will do the trick also for you
  • Hey thanks for the help, I'm going to try that. I've never been to that GUI tho. I did try to esc out to terminal and typed exit and came back to piplay with the black screen still happening. I've been downloading earlier versions and I'll try those as well. I'll give you a word how that goes.
    Also my card is new. It came pre loaded w noobs I think which I never used.
  • I just tried that and with using startx after boot it works just like you said. I tried to do a workaround with running startx when boot but it just gives me desktop directly. tried the last version but problem were the same. I didn't find a changelog tho..
  • I don't know about that, because i'm just recently into raspberry and linux. Glad it works with the work around. Are the games playing without glitches?
  • I don't think you understood. The workaround did not work because it booted up the desktop instead of the front end. If anyone knows if it's possible to make a sequence where startx is ran after the piplay front end is up that might work(?).
  • Hi lxx33, just wanted to let you know I found what caused the error on the ROM uploader. It's because .nes is not listed in the extension list. You can edit the file in pimame/pimame-web-frontend/ folder. Just put in nes in the "allowed extensions.

    When it comes to the black screen I have not gotten any further with the problem except for a whole lot of testing.
    I've tried Model A, Model B, different SD cards, and a bunch of different power supplies. The workaround is sadly not an option for me as I was hoping to run this without keyboard as I was thinking of making a console with game pads.
  • Also, I downgraded to version 0.8 Beta3 and here the NES will work at boot. I tried to upgrade software through the front end interface and it resulted in the same error so no need to try that..
  • I think we have the same problem at this post:

    Maybe we could find a way to solve this together ;-)

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