0.8b4 mame4all romset version
  • Hello,

    Seems that none of my 0.8b3 roms are working in 0.8b4 (mame4all). Did you changed the romset version?
  • I have the same problem with Mame4All. My ROMs worked fine in 0.8b3, now none of them seems to work.
  • it's me again. Seems that no other has the same behaviour...
    Anyway i always get that "missing file..." error. Normally that stands for incompatible rom version or format.
  • Hi,
    i copied the Mame4All directory from 0.8b3, now the roms work again.
  • I had the same problem. The rom explorer fetched all the roms from the ~/pimame/roms/mame4all/ folder so they showed up in the piplay menu, but the emulator itself was trying to open it in the ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/ folder.

    Solution: edit ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms/mame.cfg and change the "rompath" target to /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all
  • ^^^ this little fix found by hasusp3x still needs applying for Mame4all to find the roms in 0.8beta5

  • Can you confirm the location of the mame.cfg file? on my install it's in the /mame4all-pi directory.
    I copied it to the /roms directory and removed it from /mame4all-pi, but that didn't help and actually shows an error when I quite mame.

    Can't get the damn thing to find my roms when I type ./mame but works when is do ./mame invaders so it must be a path issue.
  • Why are you moving the cfg file? What exactly is the problem you are seeing? You may need to edit the path inside mame.cfg to make sure it's pointing to your correct roms folder.
  • @tristec

    I see the problem now. I made a mistake in my path to the mame.cfg file. It SHOULD be located at ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame.cfg

    So do not move it to the roms folder, and most certainly DO NOT remove it from the mame4all-pi folder!

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