FBA ROM version?
  • Does anyone know what ROM versions we should be using with pifba? I've had problems with immediate segfaults after loading large ROMs from the MAME 0.144 vintage or the latest version. I've tried "Marvel vs Capcom" and "X-Men: Children of the Atom" with no joy, but "Marvel Super Heroes" works great. I'd love to have some guidance on ROM versions that work.

    NEO-GEO titles like "The Last Blade 2" works just fine in FBA.

    Any guidance would be helpful thanks!
  • I was aware of what the pifba page says regarding ROM versions. I was hoping for some users to report what versions have worked for them. Otherwise I'll have to test until I succeed. Might save a lot of people time to have a known good check sum that the ROM scraper looks at.
  • The rom scraper doesn't look at the checksum, just the filename. If you want the titles that that scraper compares against, they are located in /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/assets/dat/final burn.dat
    You can add your own titles to that file as well if you would like, as long as they conform to the same format.
  • my roms on fba that mostly work are MAME v1.06.
    i feel more comfortable to play last blade 2 on mame4all because its a 4 buttons game.
    its quick and neat. if am not wrong i do 800 overcloaking with no fans and no crashes.
    gg to all.
  • every rom are lowcaps.

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