mednefen not working
  • Turbo & SMS both point to mednefen. After downloading it and edited cfg, it gives weird video error. Any sugestions
  • can you post the error?
  • Turbo16 says : Unrecognized argument -force_module
    i removed this line and received the same error that SMS did:

    SMS: after initializing video...
    ERROR: MAC dispmanx - the program is calling SDL_GclVideoInfo. That shouldn't happen.
    Signal 11 has been caught and dealt with...
    byeeeeeeeeeee!!! A segmentation fault has occurred. Have a fluffy day.

    When i try to run a rom from terminal it says:
    Couldn't find matching GLX visual.
  • i think is missing
  • you should run the udpater, it looks like you are running the older version of mednafen that doesn't work with dispmanx.

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