[SOLVED]PSX_Rearmed Bios Location .8b4.1
  • I'm having trouble getting psx to recognize that a bios file is in psx_rearmed/bios/ or Roms/psx/bios/

    Where does System_directory point to?
  • bump. I just want to know what the Pscx_rearmed config file points to as system_directory so that I can use that directory for the bios file...
  • +1, I didn't find the right directory, too. Tried 4 directorys but never could choose another bios besides the default.
  • Good news guys! I had to dive into the emulator source code, but I figured it out. It turns out, the programming for pcsx rearmed is a little bit screwy. It is supposed to find the home directory (/home/pi) and then create two folders (.pcsx and bios) there. Instead, It just creates those folders from the current working directory. So, there are two options:

    1) Super Easy, but will get removed with the next update:
    We are calling the emulator from /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu, so if you look in there, you will have 2 folders (.pcsx and bios), just put the correct bios into the bios folder, then load up the emulator.

    2) Pretty Easy, Changes will stay:
    edit /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/config.yaml
    find the 'Playstation 1' section
    edit the command to look like this: cd /home/pi/pimame/emulators/pcsx_rearmed && ./pcsx
    run the emulator once (so that it will create the folders) then put the bios file in /home/pi/pimame/emulators/pcsx_rearmed/bios

  • Great work!

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