Dgen controller configuration
  • I'm trying to edit the player1/2 controls for dgen by modifying Dgenrc.5. I can't get dgen to recognize the changes...

    I've added:

    key_pad1_up = up
    key_pad1_down = down
    key_pad1_left = left
    key_pad1_right =right
    key_pad1_a = n
    key_pad1_b = return
    key_pad1_c = v
    key_pad1_x = x
    key_pad1_y = c
    key_pad1_z = h
    key_pad1_mode = o
    key_pad1_start = m

    Key_pad2_up = s
    key_pad2_down = f
    key_pad2_left = t
    key_pad2_right = g
    key_pad2_a = r
    key_pad2_b = e
    key_pad2_c = q
    key_pad2_x = d
    key_pad2_y = q
    key_pad2_z = b
    key_pad2_mode = z
    key_pad2_start = tab

    does piplay point dgen to a different config file?
  • dgenrc.5 is actually just an example file. You need to edit /home/pi/.dgen/dgenrc (there is no file extension, it's just dgenrc)
  • Ill give it a shot and report back. Thanks!
  • Couldn't get it working that way...

    I had to direct it to the dgenrc file in the config.yaml file.

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pi/pimame/dispmanx/build/.libs/ && /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sdl-1.32/dgen -r /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sdl-1.32/dgenrc

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