looking at a 9" TFT intended for a car for my cabinet
  • Hi,

    I'm building a mini mame cabinet, I bought a used ipod dock 'iCade' dock off of ebay I'm planning to convert for this purpose. The construction of the cabinet seems good and it has some nice joystick and buttons.

    I'm looking for a screen, has anyone bought one of these 9" screens?


    As I've not yet got my Pi booting with PiPlay I'm keen to know with 7-9 inch screens what the picture quality will look like with games, ie; will text look distorted or vector games look bad?


  • I used something like that. It looks ok, the widescreen does stretch the text since the composite is really only supposed to be 4:3.

    If you want HDMI, you should check out HDMIPi.
  • Is there a way to make the images in the menu look bigger? I'm running on a wearable 320x240 display, and it's tough to see the menus. Also, I'm running in 640x480 mode (probably pretty common for arcade projects), and the controller config is cutting off Gameboy and a few others.

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