Roms Mame4all
  • Hi

    I've just installed the last beta 0.8b4, and none of the roms uploaded to the rom folder worked. The problem always was "file not found". I've noticed that you must copy the rom files into the rom folder inside the mame4all folder (home/pi/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms) or i guess you can specify the path in the mame.cfg. I think this should be automatic or the "official" rom folder should be just home/pi/pimame/roms ... it's really annoying having to discover the reason of why none of your roms work...

    Btw, the web frontend throws lot of python errors when i try to use it for uploading roms or whatever...

  • Not every rom out there is working on the emulators. For mame4all please check this list if the game isn't listed it won't work on mame4all.
  • Ok. Just updated to 8beta4.1 and now none of my roms are working for mame4all. Any ideals? These are out of romset 037b5 and the error is always ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run. They worked just fine on 8beta3 before I updated. Any help would be appreciated.
  • @jjd99d
    $ ls /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all/ | wc -w
    will output the number of roms in the right folder.
    if it's none or too small a number, roms probably aren't in the right folder.

    $ ls -lh /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all/ | head | awk '{print $1" - "$3" - "$4" ("$5")"}' | tail -n 5
    will output a filtered listing of 5 items from the rom folder that you can post here.
    Output format is : permissions - owner - group (file-size)

    Those are the first things i'd look for (but i never had such an issue).
  • I fixed it by duplication the romset in two directories. I am sure there is a line somewhere in some config file that wold fix it but I will look into it later or wait til the next beta. The two folders I put the romset in was....

    I think that's what "mast" might of been trying to articulate. I did try to correct the path in mame.cfg but with no luck. So I just duplicated the roms for now.
  • update...
    I went back and properly fixed it.
    Updated rompath=/home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all in the mame.cfg file.

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