what happens with advmame and mame4all if you use later romsets
  • so i understand that MAME4ALL uses 0.37b5 and AdvMAME uses 0.106, but i was wondering what are the implications of using a later romset?

    is it just that there a whole heap of games that aren't supported (but all the games that work in the older romset will still work in the newer romset)
    is it that even games that would have worked in the older romset won't now work in the newer romset?

    Thanks for any advice - apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, i wasn't able to find it.
  • If the ROM files haven't changed then they will work fine. Something like "golden era" games like Donkey Kong (dkong.zip) would probably work from a newer romset as there hasn't been many changes over the years.

    Three things may change. They may change the name of the entire zip file, they may change the name of a ROM inside the zip or they could change the content of the file. Meaning it's named exactly the same name but it's a redump of that ROM. Any will render the game unplayable. So even a newer romset is no guarantee you can use a ROM verification program to get a complete earlier version (i.e.- 0.37b5 or 0.106) as the file may not even exist except in older versions.

    MAME is pretty specific in how it works. It's looking for exact zip files with exact ROM files in that zip. If it can't find them it fails to run.

    Your best bet is to use a ROM verification program or you can just dump them in the correct subdirectory and see what plays and what doesn't. I have seen some that fail the ROM file check but still run, like King of the Monsters 2 (kotm2.zip). Maybe I never made to the level, whatever sequence or event that would completely crash it.

    For the most part they will probably not run without the correct files but it's always worth a try if you feel like it.

  • thanks Chad - thats exactly what i needed to know
  • @Chad - "It's looking for exact zip files with exact ROM files in that zip. If it can't find them it fails to run."

    Agreed, but I have altered some ROMs on MAME4ALL, only difference was that you would get "The game may not run correct." and wiggling my joystick from left and right will continue into the game and altered ROMs effect would be there in mame4all.

    I think MAME isn't looking INTO ROM itself. It's only looking at memory, name, and lot of other numbers data. But, I'm not absolutely sure.

    I've attempted to mix Ms. Pac-Man and original Pac-Man roms together and end up with a weird version of Pac-Man on MAME4ALL, but still neat, though.
  • @L1ght3d - Yeah I have seen games run with no issues even with a warning but also more often than not they throw an error about missing a ROM file and fail to run.

    Can you explain that a little more. What do you mean you "mixed" Ms. Pac-Man and Pac-Man ROMS and ended up with a weird version?

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