i just got my Pi as of Wednesday, and i've been working on my build, and i'm new to PiPlay, could anyone give me a list of the files needed to get PIPlay ready to work? (bios flies, config files, batch files, ect.) of coulse, dont leave any links to bios/images/roms of the systems, i just need to get my Pi ready for action.
also, i need help adding the files to the system, i'm unable to access the internet at the moment, and would like to know how to edit them.
the easy way : - go to http://blog.sheasilverman.com/pimame-raspberry-pi-os-download/ - pick one version, download the file - it's a disk image file - plug the sd card in your desktop computer. if you computer «mounts» it on his own, you most probably have to unmount before you continue, unless the tool you will use next does it for you - using an apropriate tool to manage disk images, write the downloaded file to the sd card ***** Note : this will overwrite any data on the sd card (previous content mostly unrecoverable, period.) ***** On unix desktop (linux, osx and so on) you may use «dd» command, there are free tools for windows but no names come to my mind. - unplug the sd card from you desktop, plug it into the pi - plug the little guy to power it up, it boots :-)
not much work left, things like expanding the filesystem and overclocking the pi ($sudo raspi-config), then take a look at this forum FAQ, load your first roms and give it a try
Is it an SPI TFT screen? (Hooked up to the GPIO pins?) If so, only advancemame will run through that. You will also need to run the image that already has tftmodules installed.