PiPlay unable to detect ROMs in subfolders and input mapping
  • Hello I'm new.
    First of, it's a great project, I'm still getting started and tried getting the buttons of my USB SNES controller mapped.
    It seems the emulator is only preconfigured for Xbox controllers, so I'm still figuring out how to configure it for other controllers.

    second thing is, my ROMs are all in subfolders, I keep them categorized by genre and don't really wanna throw them in one single folder ...
    PiPlay doesn't seem to detect the ROMs when they're in subfolders.

    Hope theres a way to solve this.

  • Hi nex86 and welcome!

    It is preconfigured for Xbox controllers, but your usb Snes controller should work just fine! Each emulator will have it's own menu for mapping buttons. Try pressing TAB on the keyboard to bring up the separate menus. Then you can remap from there.

    Unfortunately you will need to place all of the ROMs in a single folder, found for each emulator in the ROMs directory. You can also use the web frontend to place ROMs on your pi. If you type "ifconfig" from the console (hit ESC on the PiPlay menu to reach this) then you will see your IP address. Go to any browser on another computer and type that address in. It should be easy to handle from there!

    Maybe in the future there will be a way to categorize and sort roms, but for now that functionality isn't available. Sorry!

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with!
  • Shea is working on an awesome looking controller config, so you don't have to spend ages messing with config files manually. It should be available in the next release ;)
    PiPlay supports a large variety of controllers and joysticks out of the box. The xbox is the only one that shows its running.

    Good luck!

  • Will the controller config support setup of using the GPIO pins or is there a thread that might help with it?
  • The controller config will map button presses from either a joystick/gamepad/gpio mapped buttons. But first you have to have your gpio buttons set up and a script running to register the buttons as key presses. If you need help with that part of it, check out this great tutorial and script from adafruit: https://learn.adafruit.com/retro-gaming-with-raspberry-pi/buttons
  • @mholgatem - Thank you, that's really handy! Will each emulator have a controller config option or is it a "universal" config? If I map the keys to match MAME in the controller config for example does each emulator translate the buttons to fit one configuration setup. I'm not sure how to ask it.
  • As of right now, each emulator has it's own config file. I'm not sure if they are planning on writing all of the configs to a single file in the future, but I do know that you will still be able to configure them on a per emulator basis. The controller config is pretty cool looking, it shows an image of the intended controller, so you can kind of figure out how you want to set up your buttons.
  • Thanks mholgatem, I appreciate the information and I am really looking forward to that feature as well as that slick interface you are designing! :)
  • Sounds great. I just got my MediaPi case in.
  • that is a nice case! I am jealous

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