Maybe not my slice of pi..
  • Please don't take this as an attack or think of it negatively, I'm simply throwing in my 2cents with the Projects best interests at heart. After all I want to use this on a day to day basis for years to come!

    Recently I made the switch to PiPlay 0.8.0 Beta 3, and while I'm not sure just yet if this is the product I'm looking for, there are a few issues I ran across using it (I realize this is a beta).

    1. Zipped NES games don't work, unzipped they work fine. Support for .zip, 7z, .rar etc would be nice if this isn't just a bug.

    2. I had to patch the file to fix the invalid ROM naming issue.
    (A known issue:

    3. After moving games into the ROMS folder and rebooting the games then appear in a sub directory with the same name. Example: "/home/pi/pimame/roms/nes/nes". This seems silly and redundant.

    4. Exiting a game takes a while to return to the main menu compared to some other emulators.

    5. The included "" splash video doesn't play at full screen on some displays (Such as Sony's Location Free TV).

    6. ROMS (At least NES) aren't displayed in alphabetical order. And I found scrolling to the list to be painful and slow.
    Am I missing something?

    7. I also found the website has some outdated content which is a little confusing, such as the Tutorials page and the YouTube Video. The discussion threads have some great content worthy of being posted to the Tutorials and FAQ pages as well. But I also find the discussions page itself to be an issue, a proper forum would provide better topic separation and make both searching and posting easier. I would suggest phpBB myself, but there are some other good options out there.

    If anyone knows any fixes or has any suggestions for these issues, I'm all ears.

  • Thanks for the feedback. It is most appreciated. With the Kickstarter now finished, I think every one of your points is going to be addressed or is actively being worked on now.

    1) Has been fixed in the current code on Github. Will be releasing soon.

    2) Fixed with #1

    3) Yeah, It's how advmess deals with cartridge images being the name of the folder within a folder. That's a lower priority but I can see how it is annoying.

    4) I agree. We are caching more things now to speed it up.

    5)I've started to notice this. It works fine on my RCA input TV and my 720p screen, but I recently tried it at work on a 1080p and I can see the text output.

    6) Fixed with #1

    7) Thank you for highlighting that. I will need to focus some attention this week to the site.
  • I would second #7. There's a lot of ways it could be broken down to help find information quicker. Categories like hardware, software, controllers (i.e. - Xin-Mo, I-PAC, etc.), joysticks, emulators, video, audio, miscellaneous, off topic, etc. Maybe main categories like emulators with each emulator listed under the main heading. It does get a bit messy browsing one huge lump thread for any information.
  • Thanks Shea for the quick response, hard work and excellent news!

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