Advance MAME Menu
  • Running the latest version of PiPlay and loaded up the rom directory with about 7,000 games. Problem is, the menu sucks. It's not alphabetical, there are no categories, no way to streamline all those games. From what I've read on the forum, you have to pick your favorite 300 games. That's not cool. The Windows version of MAME has several built in filters and you can pull up a game simply by typing the first few letters, making it easy to navigate. Is there something I'm missing about navigating this beast?
  • you aren't missing anything, yet. Right now it is slooow when loading that many games (I have about 6000). There are 4 fixes that should be releasing soon (it's not where I want the menu to end up, but it's a start).
    1) alphabetization. Hooray!
    2) still has to grab all of the filenames (slow), but only pre-loads what will fit on your screen (faster)
    3) 'quick-skip' 1 whole screen worth of roms by pressing left or right
    4) caching. I have built a script that will build a cache file of all of your roms. This is a much faster way than grabbing all of the filenames from a folder (see #2). it takes only about 2-3 seconds on my system to load all of my games through this method.

    Where I would like to see it go?
    I plan on building a letter skip into navigation. My thoughts are to have #+A-Z at the top of the menu, you can then select a letter and jump directly to that section of your romlist. I don't think that I will expand it as far as advmame has (where you can type muliple letters), but we'll see. It depends on what the code is telling me when I get into it. You have to remember, that we aren't even at a full 1.0 release of piplay yet, things are constantly evolving.
  • Thanks for the update. I would much prefer to use the rPi for my MAME setup, but not sure if I can at this point or not. I look forward to the improvements on the menu though! I may just load up my favorite 300 games as I've read in other parts of the forum. Still, alphabetization is crucial. I don't understand why that wasn't done from the beginning.
  • python has this weird problem with dictionaries where it doesn't keep them in the order that they were added. you have to go through and call a sorted method to get them to come out the way you want. it was probably just an oversight when they first posted it. Generally speaking, when testing this kind of stuff, you usually have only a handful of roms in your test directory so that every time you make a change, you don't have to wait for everything to load up again.

    in the meantime, you can use the .7.10 version. It's not as pretty (main menu looks like a dos text game) but it uses advmenu and a couple others, so the menus are all alphabetized and whatnot.
  • Thanks for the info on that! I realize everything is still in beta, so I won't complain too much. I like the way it boots right in to the menu, and I will just have to figure out how to get my joystick controls to navigate the menus, but it should be rather easy with the X-Arcade setup and keymappings.

    For now, I think I will pick my favorite games out and shorten the list for ease of use. I have an original 1982 Galaga stand up that needs some work done on the video board. I put in a newer power supply and ended up burning a trace on the video board. I replaced all the electrolytic capacitors on the video board because the screen had big white blotches all over, and it cleaned that up very nice. The Weller screen in there just has a little burn in. We intend to gut it a little, just the screen and video board mostly, and mount a 20" screen in there and the controls. Should be a great project when we're done with it, I'll post some pics when we're done.
  • Nice that sounds awesome. I can't wait to see the finished project!
  • I am so jealous. Growing up, we had one of those galaga units at my church. I was awesome at it. wow, such nostalgia. much awesomeness.
  • I'll get some better pictures in the daylight. We are finishing the project off with good controls. I think I'm going to go with a Happ Super 8 joystick and around 10 to 12 buttons total. I was doing research on controls and came across this:

    Perfect. Exactly what we are trying to accomplish. So we can get a nice blank CP, drill our own holes, recover our Galaga art, or any other art we want really, all custom. Next thing I need to figure out is going to be the interface, probably keyboard encoder like Kevin did, as long as it goes to USB of course.

    Now I assume that if I encode my controls to use standard MAME keys, such as ESC, ENTER and TAB, that the should all work as expected in PiMAME? I would expect that up/down/left/right will get me around within the menu, and a key bound to ENTER will do the trick, eh? Any tips on this, please advise.
  • yeah, for pimame menu, you basically need up/down/left/right/esc/enter. That's pretty much it for navigation. All of the emulators have config files that can be used to change any keys for in game.

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